Mother's Day Tributes
2020 Mother's Day Memorials

Carnations signify purity, faith, love, beauty and charity. Carnations are the most gifted flower at Mother's Day, with pink carnations having the most significance.
Legend has it that they first sprouted from the Virgin Mary's tears shed over Jesus' death – making them the symbol of a Mother's undying love.
In most countries Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May - among them are Australia, Canada, China, India, Japan, most European countries, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Africa, and the USA. Most Arab countries celebrate Mother's Day on March 21st (the vernal equinox).
In Loving Memory of Mom
on Mother’s Day and Always…
Hilda Butler
May 22, 1938 - December 18, 2018
There are no words to tell you Mom
What losing you has meant
But now each day brings memories
Of happy years we spent.
You'd want us all to smile again
And that's just what we do
Every time we reminisce
With loving thoughts of you.
You're with us when
Each new day dawns
And when we say goodnight
Our guardian angel here on earth
And Heaven's shining light.
Remembering you always,
Janice, Elizabeth, Diane, Maxine, Ralph, and Colin
Given to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of…
Anthony, Sharon - by Dana Anthony
Baird, Marion - by Jim and Kathleen Baird
Bassett, Sharon – Mother - by Dana Anthony
Batten, Julia - by Sandra, Graham Taylor and Family
Batten, Julia - Mom – by Harvey and Colleen Batten
Batten, Stella - by Julie, Jim, Ken, and Families
Batten, Susan - by Eric and Amy Dodge
Bishop, Doris - Mother - by Bert, Elizabeth and Family
Bishop, Flora - by Reg and Belinda Young
Buckle, Mary Ann - by Bertha and David Rideout
Bussey, Emily - by Eric and Amy Dodge
Bussey, Phyllis - by Ken, Loretta Scott and Family
Bussey, Phyllis - Mother, Grandmother & Great-Great Grandmother - by Elizabeth, Jim Tilley and Family
Butler-Vaters, Susie - by Herbert, Mary and Family
Butler, Beatrice - by Calvin and Family
Butler, Hilda – Mother - by Elizabeth, Bert and Family
Butler, Martha - by Sam, Christina and Family
Butler, Violet - by Calvin and Family
Cable, Doris - by George and Sharon Peach
Cable, Ruby - by George and Sharon Peach
Caines, Mildred - Mom-in-Law - by Mary and Family
Chaytor, Margaret - by Daughter Frances
Cluney, Elsie - by Mary, Herbert and Family
Dawe, Alice - by Daughter Ruby
Dawe, Mary Ellen - by Marg and Gerald Dawe
Dawe, Mildred - by Eric and Amy Dodge
Delahunty, Mary Ann – by Margaret Delahunty
Denny, Isabel - by Eric and Doris
Dodge, Sarah - by Eric and Amy Dodge
Eason, Dorcas - Mom - by Mary and Family
Fagan, Elsie - Mom - by Cathy, Rodney, Roxanne Fagan and Family
Fagan, Ethel - by George and Sharon Peach
Fagan, Gwendolyn – Remembering our Mom on Mother’s Day – by Ralph & Rosalind Fagan and Family
Fagan, Hilda - Mom - by David, Joselyn and Family
Fagan, Jean - by George and Sharon Peach
Fagan, Rachel - by Doug and Lily
Fagan, Rachel - by Herb & Dot Reid
Farrell, June - by Aura, Jerry and Family
Fitzgerald, Amelia - by Dinah and Cyril Fitzgerald
Fowler, Lydia - by Calvin and Family
Fowler, Lydia – by Ern, Myrtle and Family
Greenslade, Adeline - In loving memory of our Dear Mother (remembering her passing May 9, 2003) ever remembered - by Lola, Reg and Colette
Haskell, Myrtle – Remembering our Mom on Mother’s Day - by Rosalind & Ralph Fagan and Family
Haskell, Myrtle - by Karen, Katelyn and Allison
Haynes, Minnie - by Bill and Rita
Head, Ina - by Marg and Gerald Dawe
Hussey, Violet - Mom - by Georgina, Glen, Ryan and Victoria Smith
Jefford, Joan (Johanna) - Mom - by Dale and Joanne
Jefford, Matilda - by Bill and Rita
Lambert, Nina - by Roger and Janice
Meaney, Betty - Mom - by Joselyn, David and Family
Mercer, Myrtle - by Eric and Doris
Newhook, Judy - by Alf, Paula and Stephanie
O'Brien, Geraldine - by Eric and Doris
Parsons, Martha – by Margaret Delahunty for Mother's Day
Peach, Evelyn - by George and Sharon Peach
Peach, Evelyn - by Roger and Janice
Petten, Dorcas – Grandmother - by Elizabeth
Petten, Florence – by Myrtle, Ern and Family
Petten, Florence - In memory of our Mom – by All Your Loving Family
Petten, Jessie - Grandmother - by Dale and Joanne
Porter, Ada - Mother and Grandmother - by Jeff, Geraldine, Jillian and Joel
Porter, Ada - Mother and Grandmother - by Lorraine, Willis and Hilary
Porter, Ada - Wife - by Edward
Porter, Annie - by daughters Judy, Geraldine and Families
Porter, Mary - by Aura, Jerry and Family
Porter, Mary - by Christina, Sam and Family
Reid, Ruby - by Herb and Dot Reid
Reid, Sylvia - by Herb and Dot Reid
Rideout, Abigail - by Dinah and Cyril FitzGerald
Rideout, Edna Rose - by Gladys, Chris and Carissa
Rideout, Florence - by Bertha and David Rideout
Rideout, Grace - Mother - by Sue Rideout-Vivan
Rideout, Mary Anne - by six Daughters and three Sons
Rideout, Nancy - by Eric and Doris
Scott, Florence - by Ken, Loretta Scott And Family
Taylor, Emma - by Sandra, Graham Taylor and Family
Tilley, Catherine (Kit) - by Daughter-Janet Andrews
Tilley, Catherine (Kit) - by Jim and Kathleen Baird
Tilley, Catherine (Kit) - Mother, Grandmother - by Jim, Elizabeth Tilley and Family
Tilley, Gladys - by Robert, Barb and Family
Tilley, Ruby - by Eric and Doris
Weir, Beatrice – Mom - by Barb, Robert and Family
Young, Mary Elizabeth - by Reg and Belinda Young