June 21 The prime contractor for exterior siding |

June 21
Beginning of siding removal SE corner |

June 21 |

June 21
Old wooden window removed |

June 21 |

June 21
First new vinyl windows installed |

June 21 |

June 22 |

June 22 |

June 22 |

June 22
Dump truck donated for debris removal |

June 23 |

June 23
Four windows now replaced with vinyl |

June 23 |

June 23 |

June 24 |

June 24 |

June 27 |

June 27 |

June 27
Rounding the southeast corner |

June 30 |

June 30 |

June 30 |

July 05 |

July 05
New weatherproof eaves |

July 07
Stripping south-east corner |

July 07
Preparing south wall of Alter |

July 07
South-east corner with new siding installed |

July 08
Discovered east-side previously refurbished |

July 08
We are delighted the stain glass windows are in excellent condition |

July 08
East-side below stained glass windows |

July 08
Rounding the northeast corner |

July 11
Starting the new siding on the Chapel |

July 12
Chapel corner completed |

July 20
Full height scaffold on eastside |

July 27
Eastside completed with new siding |

July 27
Old siding removed on lower northside |

July 27
Roofing contractor awarded installation of new metal roofing |

July 27
Sample of new Kasselwood metal shingles |

July 27
New roofing started on upper northside |

July 27
New metal shingles on upper northside |

July 28
The installation of the new metal shingles is progressing |

August 02
The new roofing is edging its way up the north slope |

August 03
The new roofing is edging its way up the north slope to the bell tower |

August 04
New siding is now being installed on steeple walls and main door area |

August 10
Northeast corner - scaffold creeps up both sides of the steeple

August 10
Steeple scaffold extended to main roof

August 15
New wheelchair ramp constructed on south-side of building |

September 13
East side, second floor wall with siding removed and new windows installed |

September 13
East side, second floor wall with new siding and windows installed |

September 30
West tower having new siding and windows installed |

September 30
North roofing has upper main section completed, and chapel in progress |

October 04
The Church Bell is being attached, through the steeple opening, to the crane for removal |

October 04
The Church Bell is being hoisted high before being lowered to the ground |

October 06
The siding is almost completed on the Church tower, and the roofing is started on the South side |

October 10
The siding is completed on the Church tower |

October 14
The front upper roof is complete, and the upper windows are almost complete

October 18
The south upper roof is progressing, and the tower roof is almost complete |